Maternity Leave increased for Women In Government Job :

Making government job more attractive to women employees the government has decided to give 3 years child care leave. Also, the decision has been taken to increase maternity leave of women employees from 135 days to 180 days for each of their two children. The decision makes a women employee to take paid leave up to two years, i.e. 730 days, during her career for taking care of her two children.
She can take child care leave without affecting her seniority. Also, the provision enables a woman to take two years leave even if she has only one child. The child care leave is in addition to maternity leave which has already been vested in women employees. Interestingly, the child care leave can be taken for reasons of rearing or to look after the needs of child or children.
The new leave regime for women government employees conclusively gives three years of paid leave. Whereas it may be a good deal for women employees of GOI, the benevolent act of government will cost a hefty amount to state exchequer; government will be paying employees without any work. On the other hand, the news may make corporate women envious towards women government employees.
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